DG Speaks - Blog - Mercedes enjoying the world of food, travel and culture

How Minimalism, Mindfulness, Eating to Live, and Other Life Changes Made 2020 a Year of Growth at 45

I’ve made some major life changes in 2020 just in time for my birthday. See what I’ve done in 2020 to improve my health, simply my life, and increase my sense of inner peace.


2020 Life Changes:

  1. Practice Minimalism
  2. Eat to Live
  3. Read for Growth
  4. Automate Everything
  5. Connect to People
  6. Practice Mindfulness
  7. Eat Real Food
  8. Exercise
  9. Connect to Nature
  10. Focus on Your ONE Thing

Here are my subscription box referral codes:

💥 Butcher Box – Use my link to get $30 off your box! http://fbuy.me/ojyI6

💥Hungry Harvest – Visit http://hharvest.net/m5gg3gL to sign up and use code DIANEGRIFFIN to get $10 off your first box!

💥Imperfect Foods – Here’s $10 to shop and create your imperfect box. http://imprfct.us/v/diane_1800

I hope these tips are helpful to you too. If you’ve tried any of these, what was your experience? Let me know in the comments below.

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