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Feeding the Economy: A Look at the $8.6 Trillion Contributions of Food and Agriculture Industries

Happy National Ag Day, folks! Today we celebrate the hardworking men and women of the agriculture industry who keep our bellies full and our economy thriving. According to the seventh annual Feeding the Economy report, agriculture and food industries contribute over $8.6 trillion to the U.S. economy. That’s a whole lot of dough!

NASDA, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, is a proud partner of the Feeding the Economy report and is leading the charge in celebrating National Ag Day. NASDA CEO Ted McKinney shared his support, stating that the report and National Ag Day celebrations highlight the collective impact that everyone working in the agriculture industry has on the economy.

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) enhances American food and agricultural communities through policy, partnerships and public engagement.

State departments of agriculture recognize that a thriving U.S. agriculture industry not only feeds our economy but also nourishes the world through international trade. And we’re not just talking about exporting our delicious food and beverages, but also sharing our expertise and technology to improve agriculture practices around the globe.

So, let’s tip our hats (or our cowboy hats, if you’re feeling extra festive) to the hardworking farmers, ranchers, and everyone else involved in the agriculture industry. Your dedication and innovation keep our plates full and our economy strong. And to learn more about the Feeding the Economy report, head on over to FeedingtheEconomy.com.

Let’s all raise a glass of cold milk (or a pint of beer, if that’s more your style) to the agriculture industry and celebrate National Ag Week all week long. Cheers to a healthy and resilient world, thanks to the power of agriculture.

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