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Saintly Naturals is a Black Woman Owned Business Merging Skin Care and Ministry

Porshia Ward is the founder of Saintly Naturals, a natural skin care company based out of Greenville, NC.

How long have you been in business?

I’ve been in business for five years, seriously for two years.

Porshia Ward

I met Porshia at the Juneteenth Vendors Market held at Pitt Street Brewing. I found her to be a soft-spoken and kind young lady and I was impressed by the quality of her body butter.

She uses shea butter in her body butter formula which I typically shy away from Generally, I find shea to be too sticky and non-absorbent. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried Saintly Naturals‘. I found her body butters to be extremely light and it melted right into my skin.

I opted to buy her unscented butter for my mom who liked the feel of the body butter but didn’t want anything that would clash with her perfume.

What motivated you to get started?

I’ve always known that I wanted my own business. I just didn’t know what it would be just yet. It all started with me having really sensitive skin and just about anything would irritate it. So I started experimenting first with perfumes because the alcohol in them would dry out my skin. Later with body butters… lotions just weren’t cutting it lol. I needed natural ingredients.

Porshia Ward

Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool to uplift a community and empower an individual because it gives people a real voice in the engine that drives society. Entrepreneurship transforms consumers into producers and it is those who control the modes of production in a society who can shape that society.

For those who are members of disenfranchised communities, like the Black community, that’s a game-changer. This is one of the reasons I’m passionate about supporting Black businesses, especially those owned by Black women.

Why is being an entrepreneur important to you?

Being an entrepreneur is important to me because I want to make my own path. Create my success how I see fit. I don’t want my future to be determined by someone else.

Porshia Ward

As a natural products junkie, her skincare line checked all the boxes. Saintly Naturals products are made from natural, clean ingredients, are cruelty-free, and are small-batch. Aside from body butters, Saintly Naturals also makes fragrances in mists and rollers, as well as products for men.

What’s one thing you want people to know about you?

One thing that I want people to know about me is that I always want to see people be their best selves. The message and mission behind the rebrand of Saintly Naturals is to uplift individuals as they use our products. To make them feel good about themselves and who they are.

Porshia Ward

Although I am a secular person, I appreciate anyone trying to do something positive for themselves and their community. Porshia has taken her own painful experience of struggling with her sensitive skin and transformed it into a brand to help and inspire others.

Her brand, Saintly Naturals, speaks to who she is, what drives her, and what she aspires to bring to the world. I think that’s worth celebrating and supporting. You can support Saintly Naturals by visiting SaintlyNaturals.com or visiting the Instagram page @SaintlyNaturals.

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