Unlock Your True Potential with Cortney McDermott’s “Give Yourself Permission”
At some point in our lives, we all experience a sense of loss. We may feel like something is missing from our lives like we’re not quite where we want to be. This feeling can manifest in various ways, from a general sense of unease and dissatisfaction to a more specific longing for a particular goal or achievement that seems out of reach.
If you’re feeling stuck and want to level up, it can be frustrating and demotivating. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others and feeling like we’re not measuring up. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has their own journey and their own pace.
If you’re looking to take your life to the next level, then “Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident. Be Happy. Be You.” by Cortney McDermott is a must-read. This book is a transformative journey toward self-discovery, empowerment, and personal fulfillment. Cortney McDermott, an international expert in the field of self-development and business strategy, provides invaluable insights and tools for personal growth by integrating cutting-edge neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and practical techniques.
Cortney provides practical strategies and exercises to disrupt patterns of behavior, unleash your strengths, and navigate challenges with grace. She delves into the powerful realms of physiology and psychology to help you tap into your personal growth and professional success. The book shows you how to cultivate healthy businesses, leverage the intricacies of the mind-body connection, and apply transformative principles to manifest abundance in all areas of your life.
Prosperity consciousness is based in a felt sense of gratitude. When you invite the physical sensations of gratitude into your body, you are sending an electro- magnetic signal that calls more reasons to be grateful (or reflections of that consciousness) back to you.
“Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident. Be Happy. Be You“, Page 53
Take a moment and write one page of everything you’re grateful for. Do this every day for a month and you will start to see what you might call “miracles” but what are really the natural result of you placing your attention on the love and beauty and richness that is ever present within and all around you.
Cortney writes in a straightforward, no-nonsense, and engaging tone that makes the book a refreshing read. In the introduction, she writes, “The reality is, we find what we expect to find. Without fail. Every time. And those expectations and consequent “evidence” are a result of what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. Period.” This is a powerful statement that I completely identify with. Later in the book, she reminds us that we must, “Release the idea of control. Replace it with choice. Then use your free will to choose the thoughts and beliefs you will entertain and hold in your consciousness. Direct those thoughts and beliefs to match your creative impulse or intention, and voilà: we have an evolved human being.” Brilliant!
Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Cortney McDermott for the DG Speaks: Thoughts and Talks podcast. During our conversation, one of the topics we discussed was that of toxic positivity and how leaders can create a positive work environment without falling into the trap of toxic positivity. Her response was, “What, if instead of thinking about creating a “positive” work environment, we were thinking about creating honest work environments? Environments in which people felt free to responsibly share their thoughts, emotions, and individual passions and drives? A leader leaves space for that to be done, responsibly. An environment in which people are encouraged to openly share their true feelings and expressions, without shaming or blaming anyone–but rather simply sharing what’s happening in their heart–is an environment in which people can thrive, and ultimately an environment in which people are healthy, which paradoxically turns into a very positive place to be in. ;)” To hear more of that conversation on toxic positivity be sure to check out the episode.
“Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident. Be Happy. Be You” by Cortney McDermott is an excellent book that will help you unleash your inner power and help you tap into your personal growth and professional success. The concept of giving yourself permission is a powerful one. It starts with believing in yourself and your abilities. You can achieve anything you set your mind to as long as you have the confidence and determination to make it happen. It also involves changing your mindset by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and pursuing your passions to bring joy and fulfillment into your life.
When we intentionally decide to miss out (or opt out of information overload), we can unconsciously wonder,Will people still like me (if I’m not showing some aspect of my life that validates my worthiness to be liked)? Will I miss out on something great?
“Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident. Be Happy. Be You“, Page 80
To take control of your life, you must opt out of things that don’t serve you, such as toxic relationships or dead-end jobs. Living by design means creating the life you want, and confidence is key when it comes to giving yourself permission. Trusting in your abilities and being proud of who you are can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
Ultimately, the goal of giving yourself permission is to be happy, loved, and true to yourself. So, are you ready to give yourself permission to live your best life? Open this book and unlock the door to a world of possibilities that await you on your path to self-realization.
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